New to the mobile butchering process?


  • Do I need to reserve a spot with Hottingers Family Meats or Scott’s Custom Meats?

    No. We arrange the processor dates for you. The dates are based on our route schedule, and the shops availability (holidays, fair weeks, etc.)

  • How far in advance do I needed to call So Cal Mobile Butchering to get “on the books?”

    4-6 weeks. We will do the best we can to accommodate your request for an earlier date.

  • Do you leave the animal entrails, hide, etc.?

    No. We haul off site and dispose of all of the animal entrails, hide, etc. We do our best to make sure there is no mess behind.

  • Can I keep any part of the animal I want?

    Yes. If you want to keep any of the offal (organ meat) or any of the entrails, please be prepared to have trash bags, buckets, wheel barrel etc. If you would like to send the offal to the processor to be wrapped and frozen, please let us know a head of time or at the appointment date. Not after the appointment.

  • Can I keep my animal to butcher at home.

    Yes. We will cut the quarters into smaller pieces for better handling.

  • Do I need to separate my animals in their pens?

    No. They just need to be penned and easily accessed.

  • Should I stop feeding the animal 24 hours prior to the appointment date?

    Yes. Less undigested food left in the stomach means less mess. Water is okay.

  • Can I keep hides and heads?


  • How will I know how much my animal weighed?

    When the animal is delivered to the processor it is ran over a USDA calibrated rail scale. I will contact you by the end of the day with the weight. You will pay the shop their processing fee based on that weight.

  • Will the processor contact me prior to cutting my animal?

    Yes. They will call you approximately 10 days after receiving the animal. They will go over the cutting instructions with you.

  • If I need suggestions or help with the cutting instructions, can I call So Cal Mobile Butchering?

    Yes. We understand this process can be intimidating the first time. Not to worry. Hottingers Family Meats, Scott’s Custom Meats and SCMB have lots of suggestions and patients to answer your questions in making these decisions.

New to raising livestock for meat?

This Resource Section is Coming Soon

In the mean time, if you are new to raising livestock for meat to feed your family please feel free to call us if………….

  • You have a concern about your animals health (we are not vets but can usually help).

  • You have questions about the animals pens/shelter, feed.

  • You have questions about where and how to purchase animals to raise for meat.

  • Any other other questions and concerns in between.